Courses & Books Books

Computer Science



MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms

  • YouTube Playlist
    1. Algorithms and Computation
    2. Data Structures and Dynamic Arrays
    3. Sets and Sorting
    4. Hashing
    5. Linear Sorting
    6. Binary Trees, Part 1
    7. Binary Trees, Part 2: AVL
    8. Binary Heaps
    9. Breadth-First Search
    10. Depth-First Search
    11. Weighted Shortest Paths
    12. Bellman-Ford
    13. Dijkstra
    14. APSP and Johnson
    15. Dynamic Programming, Part 1: SRTBOT, Fib, DAGs, Bowling
    16. Dynamic Programming, Part 2: LCS, LIS, Coins
    17. Dynamic Programming, Part 3: APSP, Parens, Piano
    18. Dynamic Programming, Part 4: Rods, Subset Sum, Pseudopolynomial
    19. Complexity
    20. Course Review
    21. Algorithms — Next Steps
  • Lecture Notes