Gazebo Simulation


Spawn Urdf

Start by launching an empty world in Gazebo Sim:

ign sim empty.sdf

The following command spawns the URDF file rrbot.urdf into the Gazebo Sim world as a model named urdf_model:

ign service -s /world/empty/create --reqtype gz.msgs.EntityFactory --reptype gz.msgs.Boolean --timeout 1000 --req 'sdf_filename: "/home/josh/ros2_gazebo_ws/src/gazebo_ros_demos/rrbot_description/urdf/rrbot.urdf", name: "urdf_model"'

The Gui & Manipulating Models

Start by launching a sample world:

ign sim shapes.sdf


Publish a message to gazebo using command line:

gz topic -t /model/conveyor/link/section_0/track_cmd_vel --msgtype gz.msgs.Double -p data:10